Sunday 5 March 2006

29,000 Floating Ducks

At the moment I'm working on a design for ATC's for the fellow members of the 29,000 Floating Ducks blog, and I thought some of you might be interested in the process. This is the start - draw out the thing in biro, and sort out the tones. Not just any old biro will do. It's got to be one of those see-through plastic bic medium jobs, or it's considerably more difficult. I'm glad that you don't need really expensive ones.

Then I will put this through Photoshop, and drain most of the tone away so as just to leave faint outlines. Then that means that I can sort out colours. In fact with a piece this size I wouldn't normally go to all this trouble because it's a fairly simple composition, but with the more complicated ones it's a good idea!

Then, having done that, I'll trace the design onto watercolour paper, put in the background colours as a wash, and then begin the laborious task of doing all the cross-hatching with watercolour. Again, this is a small piece and won't take that long, but some of them do ...

I hope you wanted to know all this. Sometimes people do ask!

And for those of you who haven't visited '29,000 Floating Ducks' yet, there's a link on the right.

Lots of love,



Joanna said...

Its always interesting to see how people work.

Gail said...

Yeah, it's great to hear how people get to the final result - sometimes I find that more interesting than the final result itslef! ;)

Gretel said...

Yes, I am a bit nerdy when it comes to how other people work, lay those techniques on me, I can't get enough!