Sunday 4 November 2007

What do YOU call this game?

In the cartoon below, 'Jehovah's Agnostics', the characters are knocking on someone's door AND RUNNING AWAY.  When I was a kid, we called this game 'Knock Down Ginger';  Valerie Walsh has referred to it as 'Doorbell Ditch' - but there must be loads of regional variations.

So, all of you who are acquainted with this annoying practice (and, indeed, may have done it yourself!) - what do you call the game of knocking on the door and running away?


Paul said...

I think we called it "yeah, go on, dare ya". Interestingly enough, the houses that joined in the game were always near a dark alleyway.

(Actually it may have been rat-a-tat ginger!)

Debbie Egizio said...

We called it Ding-Dong-Ditch. Someone did that to us on Halloween and I hadn't thought of it in years and here it comes up again on your blog. How funny.

JEN said...

Rather boringly, we Swindoners just used to call it 'Knock-Door-Run-Away'. How dull. I apologise for our beigeness ;)

Lakshmi said...

we used to do it as fact am guilty of it , but to only people we know..dont know if there was a name to it -- anybody home ?

natural attrill said...

I called it knock down ginger as well. Maybe it's our age?!!

Valeriannah said...

In Los Angeles we called it the same thing Debbie Egizio called it. Except we added one last word. It was "ding dong ditch it."

CREATIVEGoddess said...

Funny! We were just talking about what that was called. Ring and Run, I believe, in the Mid-west.

As far as dares, well, we had 3 levels:

Go on, I dare ya.
Go on, I double dog dare ya.
And then, there's the:
Go on, I triple dog dare ya.

Ain't no turning back when someone triple dog dares you; now it's about ego.