Friday 3 December 2010

Dear Agony Auntie,

I think my man's just not that into me. He addresses me affectionately as 'Toothless Mary', and says he's delighted we're together, but I'm not so sure.

You see, he hardly ever goes out with me in public and when we do, for example, he will go into the Public Bar and makes sure I go into the Saloon Bar. Once I saw him in the street talking to his mates and I went over and said hello and he pretended we'd never met before. He said he was worried about word getting round, but I'm not sure what he means.

Do you think he's ashamed of me? Should I be looking for a new man? Would it be a good idea to get a set of dentures?


Floribette Schuffenecker-Blartfast

1 comment:

Clangnuts said...

I think you should punch him in the face Toothless mary, and then he'd be just like you.

Then you can go together to buy make up dentures. His and hers. 2 for 1 deal or something.