Monday 17 March 2008

The Mysterious Mystery of the Missing Plumes ... Explained!!!!

Many thanks to Jennie from the Planet Jen blog for the following pics - which show clearly that Falafel's missing plumes ARE NOW GROWING ON HER HAMSTER!!!

The super little chap in the pics is called Bodkin, and he is clearly quite a youngster. I guess that no sooner will he be used to having plumes than he will be obliged to hand them on to someone else - but we'll see.


shaky mouse said...

our rabbit has these huge trails on his rear as well, totally dispensing with the need to sweep the floor. :)

Cathy said...

Youknow, I've had to start sweeping my desktop since Flaf's lost his plumes!

Ces said...

How strange. Our rabbit has a natural fur bib.