Sunday 22 June 2008

I've been and gone and done the Race for Life ...

...but I've only just got the photographic evidence to prove it. There were five of us from the Occupational Therapy Department of our hospital; here's the logo we used for our t-shirts:

The wording was arrived at after some discussion; 'We've Escaped From Penn Hospital' was rejected on the grounds that the NHS might not like it.

Here are some highlights of the race...

This first one doesn't show anyone from our team; this is because we were so fast that we'd gone out of view before the shutter - or its digital equivalent - fell:

This is our lot with our medals once we'd finished:

And this one shows me and Sam (female) just past the finishing line. For those of you who've never seen me in the flesh, I'm the dark-haired one in the middle of the photie. Well, when I say dark-haired one, it still is dark in places. Honest:

It was wonderful fun. To my surprise, I managed to jog the first 1 1/2km without any bits falling off my joints, and was certainly able to manage a sprint for the last 500m. It was poignant and heartening to see how many people had turned up - hundreds if not thousands - all ages, sizes and shapes.

If anybody out there is contemplating going in for this sort of thing - GO FOR IT!!!


Lunabee said...

Wow Cathy well done! xx

lilymoon said...

Well done mon ami!!!!!

shaky mouse said...

congratulations.. and nice tee shirt too.. :)

natural attrill said...

well done you! thats fantastic.