Friday 1 May 2009

Dear Agony Auntie,

My name is Rob. For some reason I have a totally undeserved reputation for dishonesty. My friend Nick has the same problem.

Please could you tell us what to do about this?


The Surreal McCoy said...

Dear Rob and Nick, if you are in need of legal representation I can recommend the rather excellent law firm Filch, Pilfer & McGrabbit

Rob and Nick said...

Thanks very much for that, Surreal! It's the first sensible response we've ever seen to an 'Agony Auntie' query on this stupid blog. And that law firm look nearly as respectable and dependable as we do!

Paul Chokran said...

Somebody I knew called Robin had the same problem. He changed his name to Teflon (Tm and C) and now he's got a big house and a flashy car.

krisztina maros said...

wow! it's really wonderful!