Tuesday 13 October 2009

I've been and gone and chosen my new hamster

This isn't the new hamster, exactly, though she will probably end up looking like this. At the moment she's much younger and smaller. I've reserved one that's been bred by a breeder and am therefore confident (whoops, nearly put 'continent' there; though I am that, too) that she will be the gender they say she is. So far, Herbert, sold as a male, rather disconcertingly had two neat rows of nipples and no male apparatus; Falafel, sold as a female, didn't actually surprise me by sitting there licking her scrotum shortly after purchase. By that time I had lost all confidence in the ability of pet shop staff to tell the difference between boys and girls (though looking round at the staff - I'm not sure I'd have been able to either).

So I will be picking up the new hamster, who will probably be called Tootsie but I'm not 100% sure, on Sunday evening. She has very neat spectacles and has a similar paint job to Falafel, just very neat. Mind you, he didn't start growing his rather spectacular plumes until he was a couple of months old ...

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