Sunday 27 February 2011

Dear Agony Auntie,

I have three arms, but that hasn't stopped me from wanting to become an international porn star. I'm not sure how to get started though.

My ex-boyfriend is a complete creep and I'm sure would share photos of me all over the internet to get revenge - if only he had any. Should I send him some anonymously in the hope that he does this? Or do you think he'd be more likely to get revenge by fastening them to a dart board?

Finally, can you 'airbrush' out a third arm using Photoshop Elements 2?


Hypervox said...

Dear Three Arms,

Getting started in the porn industry is very easy - simply arrange for a new boyfriend to take some dodgey video of you on his phone, and then send it to the Daily Star. Just tell them Auntie sent you...

As for airbrushing your arm, you'll need at least a full copy of Photoshop 7 to do that...

Love Auntie

Cathy said...

Oooh, Auntie! What a spiffing idea!

Dodgy video is on its way.