Thursday 23 February 2006

Here's a bit of the other painting!

It's all been horrendously busy here recently, with a University assignment to do, while my computer was getting into a worse state than I was. I've got a bit of a breathing space now, so here's are some bits of the other painting that went into the RI:

In fact the most time-consuming part of this painting was the tail of the peacock, but when I scanned the whole painting the file size was so gi-normous that it would have taken half an hour to upload. Never mind. At least it means that there's something previously unseen in the exhibition!

And I've been so busy recently that I haven't even been able to contribute anything to Illustration Friday - bit late now, but I'll see what I can do tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who left messages for this hermit!



Lee said...

these are wonderful CAS...glad things are calming down for you :)

bird's eye view said...

These paintings are awesome!
Congrats on getting into the RWS show.