Saturday 3 June 2006

This is where I went on my 'olidays. Well, some of it.

I have to confess to not being much of a one for taking holiday photos, unless they're for reference purposes. If you're going around looking at the world through a camera lens it's very easy to miss interesting things, fall over people, put your foot in a puddle or not notice you're about to fall backwards off a cliff.

Anyway, we went to the Chippenham Folk Festival (cold and wet) and then went via Glastonbury to stay with friends in a wonderfully remote part of Devon. These shots were all taken in the Somerset Museum of Rural Life, in Glastonbury. This first one is of a tithe barn - I do love the timbering they used on these things.

And here we have what I assume is a cider press - though if any of you know better I'm prepared to believe it. It's just that it was Somerset, and it looked too big to be used for pressing flowers.

And, finally, a view of Glastonbury Tor from the yard at the Museum. It seemed much more effective to take it from ground level, cos for the Tor itself is EXTREEEMLY steep, and the top of it was awfully windy (see also my comments on why you don't want to spend your holidays looking through a camera lens, above). Considering we are supposed to be having the worst drought for 100 years, don't you think that the countryside looks rather green? And somebody forgot to tell the Rain Gods in Chippenham that they were in drought mode.

Still, it meant that we came back to a nice, green, lush garden where Nelly Moser is just starting to flower ...


CAS xxx


Lee said...

nice pictures cas, glad you're back...funny, I was wondering where you've been just recently

I love old churches and buildings...

TaraLarsenChang said...

How gorgeous! Glastonbury Tor has always totally captured my imagination. Thanks for sharing.

Cathy said...

Hi Lee!

Glad to say I'm back in circulation again!

CAS xxx

Joanna said...

Nice to see some things on your blog. I agree about taking holiday pics. Nice pics though, it brings back memories of watching sunset on glastonbury tor a few yeasr ago on a very happy valintines day.

ValGalArt said...

WOWie I wish I could have been a stowaway on your trip, I think I would love it there, absolutely glorious! Hope you had a relaxing and inspiring time!!!