Sunday 8 October 2006

Yet another archaeological illustration

The original brief said to do a drawing of somebody in 14th century costume, perhaps for a book on medieval customs and life. So I've continued to play around with the design, as if for a book cover, and here is the result. The previous pic didn't look too bad on screen, but some horrid things happened to the colour when I printed it out.

I think this one looks a little less cluttered than the previous one.


Elizabeth said...

That certainly is unlike the sorts of illustrations you see in museums, but all for the better - I hope whoever you submit it to can see the potential for much more exciting illustrations that the hawking dummies.

Shame about the colour printing in the previous one, it looks lovely on screen.

Lee said...

they're both beautiful...your ability to get depth and detail really inspire me :) potatoeshop made me laugh btw!