Saturday 9 December 2006

Yet another collage based on my masking project - actually, I should really be going out, doing some Christmas shopping an' all that, and I will, really I will, but just for now...
I'm also working on a poster which I intend to show to some visitors from English Heritage who will be visiting the college on Monday - this will be a time for totally shameless self-promotion, extortion and heavy persuasion, I hope.
On a totally different tack, I heard an interesting radio discussion yesterday about how angels, spirits and other heavenly bodies in classical mythology, the Old Testament etc don't usually appear to mere mortals as THEMSELVES, but in the guise of ordinary people, animals etc. Now, I don't follow a creed as such, but I do think that there is a lot of psychological and spiritual truth in the teachings of many religions (or they wouldn't have lasted this long). But haven't you ever wondered about the way that sometimes, exactly the right person will come in to your life? Or a really chance happening or encounter, something quite minimal, acts as a pivotal point which changes your life?
An example for me would be, in the early 1990's, I needed to get a 'proper job' rather than being a freelancer (all to do with mortgages, buying out another person). One day I was waiting at a bus stop when it started to rain, so I went into the library which was close by, picked up the Times Educational Supplement (which wasn't a publication I would have ever thought of looking in for jobs), and found an advert for an art teacher at an independent school. I got the job - they were more interested in the fact that I was a professional artist than the lack of teaching qualification. 13 years in the teaching profession - 12 of those either as Head of Department or acting HOD (that's another story), and I'm about to be back in the freelance world.
But none of that would have happened if I'd got to the bus stop 30 seconds earlier, and not just missed a bus, or if it hadn't started to rain ...

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