Monday 2 April 2007

The last of three ...

Here's the last of my group of three; you might just have noticed that there are lots more places on it than Wayland's Smithy, which I think you are all getting the hang of by now.  Having spent all week on this set of four watercolours, I then go and wreck it all in Potatoshop...


Paula Bowles said...

ooh those look fab Cathy :o)
Have you ever been to the Cherhill/Oldbury White Horse? It's not antient, cut in 19century I think, but the landscape is wonderful. Also, an iron age hillfort is/was on top of the hill:

I used to live in that village, and to have that hill and landscape on my doorstep was great. I miss it!

Cathy said...

Thanks Paula!

I've only seen the Cherhill one from a distance - come to that, the only one I've really visited and had a good look around is the Uffington one.

I love hillforts, too. When I was doing my heritage management course last year, Old Oswestry Hillfort (in Shropshire) was one of my case studies. It's right next to a council estate, but they regard it as THEIR hillfort - which I think is great!

Catherine Hayward said...

Looks lovely :)

Paula Bowles said...

haha! We, and the rest of the village, used to refer to the Cherhill Whitehorse as 'Our white horse'!