Friday 4 May 2007

Personal Trainers

When I go to the gym, which is very frequently, I am always struck by the number of posters around the place which advertise 'Personal Trainers'.

I thought that people might be interested to see my personal trainers, and here is a photo of them.

The white markings document the process of painting my studio white (it had previously had two different types of wallpaper - not bad for a room measuring approximately 2'6" x 3'6"!).  These can therefore be viewed in the same spirit as the spatters in a Jackson Pollock masterpiece.

You will also notice that the toe bit on the left one is parting company with itself.  This is where it gets caught on something in my car when I take my foot off the clutch, which is something I do even more frequently than going to the gym in the first place.

I'm not sure if 'Personal Trainers' are supposed to put up with a lot of grief and punishment, but these guys certainly do ... many thanks to the pair of them ...

1 comment:

natural attrill said...

I prefer them to white ones. The gym, havent been for a long time now.....