Thursday 18 October 2007

At Puflet Palace, we look at life, the universe and everything.

'A Unitarian very earnestly disbelieves in almost everything that anybody else believes, and he has a very lively sustaining faith in he knows not what.'

(Somerset Maugham)

This is a cartoon I have just sent to the Minister of the Unitarian Church at Kingswood, to put on their website.


Ces said...

I can't say much about religions and churches because while I pray for divine guidance from some force, I do not like organized religions and churches. I especially cannot stand people who believe it is sacred and holy to kill for their god.

Elizabeth said...

I'll be interested to hear what response you get from the Unitarians! Unless you know that whoever you sent it to has a sense of humour, I fear it may meet with a steely silence!
Which is a shame, because it's funny :)

Cathy said...

I don't know if 'our' Minister's that unusual; certainly all the Unitarian Ministers I've ever met have been jaw-droppingly irreverent! In fact I'd sent him my 'Jehovah's Agnostics' cartoon (which I'll put up here by and by) and he asked if I could do a Unitarian one; I'm not worried since HE told me the joke 'A Unitarian is a Quaker with Attention Deficit Disorder' and also laughed like a drain at Keith Donnelly's 'Bungee Jumping for Jesus'. I wouldn't put it past him to use it in one of his services!