Tuesday 18 August 2009

EBay Warning

Sometimes you might think that items sold on eBay are fake, and therefore suspiciously cheap. However - be warned! The above illustration shows what happened to Doris Clappers of Timberhonger, Worcs, when she bought a crocodile bag for 60p - and then found it wasn't fake after all. The wiley seller had attached some artificial flora by way of decoration to make it look like an accessory ... and the rest is history.

All condolences to her family and also to the crododile itself, which had a nasty attack of indigestion shortly after the incident. And at least he didn't eat her shoes.


Hypervox said...

Was she a snappy dresser?

I'll get my coat... and handbag?


(muffled cries for help)

justdoodleit said...

Hahaha...great story! I'm wondering what would've happened to that guy who bought his crocodile leather wallet ;)

Amy C said...

heee heeee, thats a bargain 60p though, love the little pair of red clogs does croccy wear them?

Emily said...

hihi...too silly for words! Fantastic colors!