Tuesday 22 September 2009

I've just had an amazing piece of insight!

I have written an informative and interesting piece on how to make your beansprouts look like the ones in Chinese restaurants - to read it, you will need to get hold of Foghorn 41, which hasn't seen print yet and you'll have to wait to see it online.

However, as I produced this illustration to illustrate the article, I made a surprise discovery - my cross-hatched, water-colour, nit-picking style is ideally suited to depicting face flannels! I may yet branch out to include towels and bath mitts - watch this space ...


Tim Leatherbarrow said...

Cathy....Think about it, with this newly discovered talent, you could draw KITCHEN PINNY'S !!!! A new era in kitchen pinny cartooning dawns ahead of us.

Breathless with anticipation Tim xx

wilburonline said...

ooh, i've often wondered about the beansprouts thing -- look forward to that. and yes, that flannel is GOOD!