Sunday 27 December 2009

They're back! My lodgers are back!

Birds and other small critters have their own agendas, their own views on property and territory - and they aren't the teensiest bit interested in ours. Well, I've had starlings nesting under my eaves every December in all the time I've been in this house. I'm sure their ancestors had nested there for years and years before I appeared on the scene.

Then last year - nothing.

None of that distinctive scrabbling noise, no insistent chirping as the baby birds demand money with menaces from their parents. I even missed the cacophony when they'd all wake up in the middle of the night squawking furiously because someone had probably trodden on someone else's head and then retaliatory action had ensued. I could always hear the goings-on very clearly, and as my loft hatch is only a couple of feet away from where their nest is, it was always very easy to stick my head through and tell them to shut up. Which they would. For about ten seconds, before the furious squawking started up again.

But this year ... yep, I was woken up this morning by that scrabbling noise followed by that oh-so-familiar cacophony of little cheeping voices ... they're back!!!!

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