Wednesday 9 December 2009

This is one of the thingies I've sent to the Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival

Last year, when I was doing my 'bits', I'd finished a painting which had taken several hours and was about to add the hand lettering - when I lost my nerve. I added the text in Potatoshop, sent them as digital files to a commercial printer, and the original remained totally unsullied by foolish words.

However, these days I am made of sterner stuff, and I finally plucked up courage to do the lettering (in gouache) on my painting which I'd spent several hours, yes, painting! It wasn't as scary as doing a whole load of hand lettering (in gouache) in the travelling Moleskine, though.

If you're not sure what I'm talking about, it's this

1 comment:

Ger said...

Send to Reader's Digest next year!!
Nice gag!