Saturday 26 June 2010

"Been Away?"

This is another CCGB Caption Competition entry; they really do concentrate the mind wonderfully.

In the meantime, I had a great idea which was to do a book of cartoons but with very long captions which tell a story if you string them all together - clever, eh? Then I realised that this would mean it was a picture book and I've been doing those for years. Never mind. I may have another idea tomorrow, or some time next week even.


Ian Ellery said...

How about a really long book with no pictures but loads and loads of words that tell a story? That would be novel!

Cathy said...

Ian - that's ingenious!

Mind you, a lot of work would be involved. Just looking at this picture book I've got here ... 32 pictures altogether. Now, as eny fule kno, a picture is worth 1,000 words. So that would be 32,000 words, plus the ones which are already there, and then you'd have to get them in the right order an' all so they made sense.

Think I'll stick with the pictures. I know how to do them.

Paul Chokran said...

Hmm, clearly a textbook case ...