Friday 4 June 2010


This is a bit of some fake fur that I went and got from the Rag Market in Brummagem earlier on today. It is so that I can construct a costume approximating to Barry the Shrew, who is the creation of Roger Penwill, and does sterling service in publicising the Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival every year. Here he is:

There was a stall selling all types of fur fabric; there were three colours which would have fitted the bill, but I'd forgotten to bring a printout with me, for colour matching purposes. So I then had to find an internet cafe so that I could double check his hirsuit hues; I didn't have my glasses with me and was unable to read the code you have to type in to log on to the computer. However, there was a nice girl who wanted to borrow a pen, so she typed the arcane series of letters and numbers into the apparatus while I delved into the inner depths of my handbag to find a writing implement. Result!


Clangnuts said...

Cathy - the leave a comment text needs to be a lighter colour.

When is Shrewsbury 2011? I need to book annual leave.

Clangnuts said...

Actually, ignore the comment about the leaving comments text. It's fine now. Think it was a glitch in my browser.

Cathy said...

I tried to get through to your blog to put the message on there, but it won't let me!

Cathy said...

Oooo-er ... not sure the date's been fixed, but I'm guessing it will take place from Thursday evening to Sunday lunchtime over the nearest weekend in April to those dates mentioned. The exhibitions etc carry on for quite a while afterwards. I know they've started discussions about the 2011 Fest, but I'm not sure how far these have got.

I'm shortly joining the PCO Committee and will have advance warnings of events like this - I'm happy to put the info up on the old blog!

Ian Ellery said...

The 'Post a Comment' link definitely needs to be lighter i'm afraid. it probably goes lighter once you have posted cause that's the wonder of CSS!

I assure you that if it were indeed lighter I would have posted a very insightful - and possibly witty - comment.

However it wasn't (it was much too dark) so I'm afraid i'll just have to move on.


Paul Chokran said...

What 'Post a Comment' link? Am I missing something here?