Saturday 3 February 2007

Big Stones Part 2

Avebury!  And we took some dowsing rods!  Here is Mark.  He is a proper Celt, which you can see from his monstrous plaits, and he is dowsing for cow pats.  Though he seems more likely to find one by conventional means, judging by the lack of action on the part of the rods ...

The rods were much more interested in ley lines than cow pats, as you can see here.  Jo has just located one such, to her delight and horror.  They aren't very scientific, you see.

Here is a bit of the Avenue leading down to the circles, which is where we started off our hunt for leys.  In the distance, the rods picked up lines at either side of the Avenue, and also very clearly down the middle.  Interestingly enough, in the foreground bit, where the line of stones curve round, the rods were picking up the current in a straight line from the ones at the back, i.e. not within the area delineated by the stones nowadays.  

The 'entrance stones' to the circle;  once you get inside this network of circles, the dowsing rods were going absolutely MAD ...

And finally, some stones from the outer circle;  for anyone not familiar with this monument, I've included this pic to give you an idea of the sheer scale of the place!  (That is a normal size human being standing next to the stones).

Coming soon ... Silbury Hill


ValGalArt said...

How did the stones get there? Is that a dumb question? Does everybody already know the anzwer to this question.
There are a lot of nutjobs here too! Not me of course...

Cathy said...

Val - it's a very good question, because nobody really knows for sure - all we can do is give our best guess!

The stones came from the Avebury hills, 2 - 3 km east of the monument, and were dragged here using manpower, oxen and gravity!

Are British nutjobs significantly different to US ones?

natural attrill said...

Wow, that last stone is enormous! Lovely photo's.

Anonymous said...

Enormous? - unless that's Pocket Bear standing next to it.
Tony the bass