Sunday 18 February 2007

Mervyn's been seen in public!

We haven't seen Mervyn at the Palace for a long time now, but he does have this habit of disappearing from time to time, so nobody was that worried.

But now he's been seen, alive and well, at the Cheltenham Folk Festival!  He was causing his usual havoc on the dance floor at a ceilidh, but considering the amount he must have had to drink he was doing surprisingly well.  For example, he didn't fall over his own tail once, but everyone else did.  

He was also not one to be constrained by the bossy instructions being issued by the caller - why allow yourself to be dominated in life?  No, he invented at least three new dances, a remarkable feat since some boringly ordinary ones were taking place around him at the time, and would gladly substitute a waltz when a hop step was called for.  When I say hop step, this has nothing to do with beer production or I'm sure he would have complied.

His was not an entirely happy experience, however, in that the price of the booze was limiting his intake.

'I jussht ashked for one little bottle of lager.  ONE little bottle of lager.  Jussht the one.  An it cossht five thoushand poundsh.  I ashk you - jussht for one litttle bottle of lager.  Go to shleep, my babby ... closhe your bloodshot eyessh ...'

What was more worrying was that, price notwithstanding, he had managed to consume so much alcohol that his breath was dissolving paint on surfaces 6' away from him.

He hasn't been seen in the Midlands today, yet, but I'm wondering if he's managed to find a bunch of friends with similar habits and dress to his.


Chris.P said...

Hi Cathy, how are things? Amusing post as ever

Cathy said...

Hi Chris! Very hectic here - to cut a long story short, I'm spending the w/e with a pile of archaeology books and the last bits of my design for an interpretation panel for Wayland's Smithy. The external examiner comes into Swindon College on Weds next week, and forewarned is forearmed (like Shiva).

Hope all's well with you!

Tom Mayer said...

Interesting post and amazing picture as well :)