Wednesday 14 February 2007

Here's hoping that Blogger's feeling better now.

A rather strange dialogue box appeared as I started to type, so here's keeping my fingers crossed.  I've just invented a new way of doing my archaeology notes.  I am hopelessly disorganised at keeping notes;  always have been.  This extends to finding my way round anything which is in book form, as opposed to things which you can arrange on the floor and therefore see at a glance.  I can get through purely academic work, but it puts years on my life and I'm constantly haunted by the fact that my mind doesn't really work like that.  It took me a full working day to sort out all the referencing and stuff on my last dissertation;  I've seen people do this sort of thing without having the slightest trouble, and I regard them with awe and admiration.

But I've started writing my notes on 'doctored' paper;  I'll remember the associated images, and probably half the information as well, which will make it much easier to retrieve later on.  It also saves the trouble of having to do all that doodling in the margin.  I've done several more of these, and none of them are like any of the others, which should minimise confusion.

On a totally different note, I was driving to the gym today when I noticed a courtesy car with 'Dent Cars' written on the side.  By which I mean, painted like a proper sign, not just a semi-literate scribbling in the muck on the car.  I thought it was a very appropriate instruction for a company like this to give - drumming up business an' all that.

I was so fascinated by it I nearly forgot to keep my eyes on the road - this could have meant that I'd inadvertently comply with its demands, but luckily a roundabout got in the way.


Anonymous said...

What an amazing concept Cathy. If I was to peer inside your brain that's pretty much an image of the sort of thing I'd expect to find in there!

I am so envious of your handwriting. I was trying to think of a word to describe it. 'Sensuous' is the best I could come up with.


Joanna said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who finds notes and things hard when you can't see them all.

Pocket bear is lovely pleased to meet him - I'm cathcing up.

Cathy said...

Thanks Chris! I belong to a generation which was taught to do italic at junior school, and I guess this is my version of it!

Joanna - I think it goes with being right-brain dominant, being a divergent thinker and all sorts of things like that which make very logical people think we're weird!

natural attrill said...

You will end up with a collection of beautiful pieces of art as well as remembering the information!

Deb said...

this is a great way to remember information and it looks so much more interesting than a page of notes. i find writing essays and all that research and reading very difficult to do aswell.