Wednesday 31 March 2010

Animals on This Blog Sidebar

Birkin Hare, the little purple hare on the Blogger sidebar, will jump into the air if you double click on him. (It probably hurts). He's lived here for yonks, and I only realised that recently.

Another notable addition is Herbert. Tootsie and Falafel have/had much the same paint job and are celebrated on Poobah's Blog so I thought it was about time that Herbert attained immortality, too. If you click on the centre of the wheel, she'll get back on it, and she'll follow the cursor around as you move it within the square. You can feed her by clicking within that general area. She'll be ever so pleased!


Leonard Gubbins said...

You forgot to mention the hilarious link to the excellent Cartoonist Club of England and some ares of Scotland, and the Lake District.

Cathy said...

Sorry, dear boy - sheer oversight on my part!