Saturday 22 May 2010

Dr Sketchy, Coventry

This is the sketchy what won 'Best Sketch of the Night' at Dr Sketchy, Coventry last night. The model had this fantastically expressive face; every now and then you come across someone who can be captured in a few lines and just seem to flow from your pen/pencil/typewriter.

It was a nice evening; on the way there I bumped into Saul Rose, who was about to play a gig just round the corner from the gallery, and Paul Chokran and I caught the second half of it after Sketchy's had finished.

It was good because I'd had two glasses of wine at Sketchy's and I'm not sure if my driving would have been a little erratic if I'd attempted it then. But a nice cup of tea (in a proper mug, not one of those poncy little cups you get) and time out at the gig sorted that one nicely.


Paul Chokran said...

Since you didn't mention the bit about trying to sneak in without buying a ticket, I won't either ...

Cathy said...

Speak for yourself, Oh Scurvy Knave!

Cathy said...

Oh, and another thing - why aren't your brilliant sketchies appearing on your bloggie?