Thursday 13 May 2010


Well I got a phone call yesterday from the hospital, the one where they did stuff to me whilst I was "under", asking me to attend today to discuss the findings. It just goes to show how low our expectations ARE of the NHS, because my first thought was that it must be something dreadful, and it was only later that I realised that it could be that they're actually efficient. And so it was.

Nothing newly untoward, i.e. life-threatening, from their exploratory stuff last week. My internal ladybits are so malformed that they couldn't get to all the areas they needed to see, but since it must have been this way since before I was born I've long ago learned to live with the direct effects. Though they did say that if they ever find untoward thingies again on a routine smear - it's straight to surgery rather than carrying out the less invasive exploratory stuff which is rather restricted in scope. This was the only cloud on the horizon. So I am very pleased about not having ANY of the following:

* Cervical cancer
* Uterine cancer
* Bunions
* Varicose veins
* Gingivitis
* Cauliflower ear
* Housemaid's knee
* Tennis elbow

And that's just for starters! There are loads of nasty conditions I haven't got! Admittedly, my recent tests didn't concern them, but a quick visual inspection by myself was totally reassuring.



Ger said...

Really pleased to hear that, Cathy.

Hypervox said...

Same here. Suggest you celebrate with chocolate!

Leonard Gubbins said...

I think you should celebrate with a nice chocolate digestive. It's up to you if you dunk or not. Entirely your choice.

Tim Leatherbarrow said...

Well its not all good news, i mean the bottom 6 on your list ,well, they were ,to me part of your charm.I'm now down to my last 47 on 'Cathys good bits' list.
Tim xx

Cathy said...

I see what you mean, Tim. Mind you, is that counting the caterpillar ears (two of them) and the farmer's lung (again, two of them) and the headlice (453 of them)? If not, I think I'm ahead of the game, don't you agree?


Tim Leatherbarrow said...

Your still way ahead of the game...tho' you may be down on the headlice as i came away from Shrewsbury scratching.
Itchy infested Tim xxx