Wednesday 4 January 2006

More Puflet Politics

I know I'm only a small water bird, and although I have an intimate knowledge of the biology of sand eels I can't pretend to understand much else.

However, I was listening to Radio 4 recently, and they said that the Government are concerned about the Child Support Agency. I always knew that eggs were a better bet ... but to get to the point ... they were talking about tagging parents who don't pay for their children. The Child Support Agency, that is, not Radio 4, who are much too busy.

This seems to me to be a really good idea. They could get a satellite navigation system to view them all, which would be very entertaining for the staff at the CSA. And they could track these wily, mendacious, abdicating parents as they spend everything on drink and drugs (not one penny of their ill-gotten gains went to their starving families. The swine.) And then, by observing the habitual haunts of these characters, they could work out where to buy the best skunk etc (strong cannabis, that is, not the black and white smelly mammal). Which would be a really useful thing to do!

What I don't understand, though, is how anybody thinks that this will make these people give any more money to the people they're supposed to be giving money to. Can someone explain?

Love P xxx

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