Monday 30 January 2006

Searching for listening devices

It was freezing cold this afternoon, but we were outside all the same. (Puflet saw March of the Penguins on Saturday - I think it inspired him) . Anyway, we turned over another rock and there ... yes ... was an EAR.

Well, an earwig, anyway.

'Huh', muttered Puflet. 'I bet it's him who eats holes in my dahlias. But look at those antennae! A surveillance device if ever I saw one!'

But before the earwig could protest his innocence, Puflet had noticed something else.

There, half buried in the compost, was a bit of cable leading to a spot under the next rock ...


Aravis said...

Hysterical! Though I suspect I have some of those lying around here too... *G*

Gretel said...

The plot thickens...

Gina said...

Aw, so cute.

fp said...

Hey hun thanks for the link to my blog but it doesn't work :) for some bizarre reason I decided to call it flaggywaggy not fp, d'oh. keep up the good work x