Friday 13 January 2006

Puflet's feeling literary...

Puflet, as you may be aware, is very keen on gardening.

'At this time of year, though, it's not too good because most things are dead, or frosted all over and that sort of thing. So you sit in an armchair and think about things like garden design for the coming year. But I've got fed up with those book which claim to be designs for 'small gardens'. Yes, they are small compared with the Norfolk Broads, or Wiltshire. So my book will be aimed specifically at gardeners whose plots are no bigger than the book itself. Though, to compromise, I will make sure that it would go in the 'outsize books' section of your local library. I did once do a course in Graphic Design, after all. And there weren't many sea birds in Central London at the time, I can tell you!

The other book I intend to produce is based on Lynne Truss's book 'Talk to the Hand (cos the face ain't listening)' My book is called 'Talk to the Plant (because that almost certainly is)' It is intended as a guide to the quirky charm of everyday life, and is subtitled ' Six good reasons why you should be out there in your garden'.

Lots of love for now,

P xxx

1 comment:

TaraLarsenChang said...

That's a great idea - for alleviating winter-gardening-withdrawal! I've decided that it's probably good for my artwork that there *is* winter, or I'd never come inside...