Thursday 25 January 2007

I've been tagged - but I won't be the only one!

Well, I've been tagged, so apologies in advance to the hapless souls who I
will be tagging as part of this.  Everyone who plays the game has to write
down six weird things about themselves.  Then you have to pick six
victims and leave a comment on their blogs to let them KNOW that they've
been tagged, and to refer to the instructions on your blog as to what to do next.

So, all you taggees,  you've then got to write down six weird things about
yourself, so here are mine.

1)  I am double jointed, and flexible enough to bite my own toenails
(though I usually use a pair of nail clippers).

2)  I used to have a budgie called Nissan, because he was a blue bird.

3)  I have a pocket bear, called Pocket Bear, who lives in my handbag and
goes everywhere with me. (Actually I ought to put a picture of him up on here, though he is rather shy.  It will help him come out of himself).

4)  I know how to say 'My grandmother's ear trumpet has just been struck by lightning' in both French and German.

5)  My blog comes top of the list if you do a Google search on 'stripey worm in toilet'.  You can test this one for yourself if you don't believe.

6)  I used to have an obsession with honey fungus, which I am unfortunate
enough to have in my garden.  Determined to make something positive from this negative situation, I have done a painting entitled 'There is Honey Fungus in my Garden'.  It was exhibited in the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours' annual exhibition.

Re-reading these, they're not very weird at all.  Quite normal in fact.  
Oh well...

I'm not sure how you put down a name here so that it forms a link, but 
here's my list anyway:

Chris (of the Raven Madness blog) 
Lee, Valgalart and Baskerville Hound (from the 29,000 Floating Ducks blog)
Jennie (from Planet Jen)
Elizabeth (from Venta Live Journal)  but I haven't got a direct link to her blog!


Joanna said...

They are lovely wierd things. Would love to see your pocket bear. Its funny how wierd things are not really wierd at all just facts. Glad you did not find it too hard. This tag thing made me work out how to do that link stuff. If you highlight the thing that you want to make a link. Then click on the link button thing in the blog menu the thing with two paper clip things. Then type in the link like you normally do in the template. I always wanted to do that and that was the best thing about this tag. I worked out how to do it.

Cathy said...

Thanks Joanna - I think I'll leave this post as it is, but this is a really useful piece of information for the future!

ValGalArt said...

yes, they are lovely weird things! No.4 is hilarious! No.6 is very cool(the bit about exhibiting in the Royal Inst!
Will you still like me when you hear my weird things?
By the way I LOVE your banner!~valgalart

natural attrill said...

I like the nissan blue bird!
We have done our list as well, shared it with Toby, was fun to do.