Friday 5 January 2007

Illustration Friday - Buzz

This is based on my own back garden, and the only reason this really qualifies to answer the theme 'Buzz' is because of the beehive in the background.

In fact, the real life 'beehive' is a composter, and most of the buzzing that you hear in the summer comes from the critters on the pyracantha (not shown in the picture), which does get very loud at times.

But as far as I'm aware they don't make any honey in the composter, though there are some nice stripey worms in there.

I have, of course, produced an illustration to Aristophanes' play 'The Wasps', but I thought you might like to see something new.


Deb said...

bloody fantastic puflet...i had a spy at your aoi portfolio and i think your work is brilliant-i love the use of colour and all the angles-why we have never seen these before on ri!!!???


Debbie Egizio said...

Great colors. Your backyard must be beautiful if it inspired you to create such a lovely piece.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic piece of work Cathy. You have a quite amazing eye for colour, detail and composition. If you weren't so nice I'd hate you for it ;¬)


Cathy said...

Thanks everybody - and Chris, why are you pretending to be anonymous?

Anonymous said...

I haven't gone over to betablogger yet so my comments only register by using anon.