Saturday 18 July 2009

Critters don't die, they just go somewhere else.

I was reminded of this by Chichi Parish, who pointed out that Falafel was probably causing havoc in the sky, and that if I saw a weird cloud with weird plumes - that's him! Anyway, as the above photo shows, he's not only up there, but up there with friends!

It's a cloud formation known as 'long haired sable', and is little known to meteorologists.


wilburonline said...


Christiane said...

Hehee, I like the idea!:o)

natural attrill said...

sorry to hear about falafel.

Cathy said...

Thanks for the nice messages, everyone!

justdoodleit said...

Sorry to hear about Falafel. But as you rightly observed "Critters don't die, they just go somewhere else"...death is only another dimension of consciousness and wherever that hamster is - he'll surely be reminiscing about the good times spent in your company :)

Chichi Parish said...


-ooh this is 2nd time I tried to post, am having blogger/wordpress conflict.