Saturday 18 July 2009

Lots more space to roll around in ...

Well, I've been and gone and done it, and had a new, bigger, hard drive fitted into my machine. No more room in the machine, but now I can defragment it (having more than 15% room harharhar) and put more software on it and fill it all up again and all sorts of things.

The computer person confirmed that the two little updates which appeared every time I logged on were, indeed, the ones which had been deleted every time I removed all but the last 'Restore' point. This was always necessary just so I could use the machine, but now the little blighters can do what they want and I won't care harharhar.

Who'd have thought that such a simple operation could cause such unholy glee? Thank you, Hypervox, for giving me that final nudge.


Hypervox said...

You're very welcome Cathy! Your task now (should you decide to accept it) is to see how it takes you to fill the drive up again - a couple of good photoshop files should do it nicely... :)

Cathy said...

Tis passing strange, Hypervox, but the computer engineer said something very similar ...