Sunday 26 July 2009

Sketchies at Dr Sketchy's

Well, yesterday featured 'X Files' at Dr Sketchy, Brummagem, so, armed with my sketchpad and Alex Hughes, off I went. Alex laughed at my sketchpad:

asked if I'd brought my crayons, and then let me try out his brush pens. One of the problems I've always had with these events is working in a style which is quick enough to get a reasonable amount of information down, but the brush pen seemed to do the trick. In fact, I won two prizes that evening, for this one of Candee Handful as 'Rouge Rum - the Murderous Mare':

I've since had a play with this image in Potatoshop, and produced:

and I also won a prize for this one of Scarlet Fever:

Alex also won a prize, so we really didn't let the PCO side down. Actually Alex is a regular at the Brum sessions, and a regular prize-winner (I think the secret's in the brush pens) and considering you have ten minutes to get all this stuff down, whilst peering past the people in front, it really is a test of how much alcohol you've consumed beforehand. Apparently the shows get more and more surreal as time goes on - and I can't tell you how much fun they are!!!

Tomorrow - or at least when I can locate the safe place wherein I've stashed my camera - I'll put up pics of the prizes!


Jonathan said...

Great sketches, Cathy!

I'd forgotten about this; I might try and make the next one.

Chichi Parish said...

Love those sketches, Cathy.
I've found Candy Handful on FB. Will defo come to the Sept gig. Can I stay overnight?