Monday 10 September 2007

Mervyn's taken up Ceroc!

Mervyn has graduated from Morris Dancing, where, to be honest, his inebriation did not cause him to stand out from the other practitioners.

He now appears at Ceroc classes.  'Hello', he will say to any lady newts who have not passed out through the alcohol fumes. 'Is thish yor firsht time here?' 'No!' the lady newt will reply. 'I've been here every day for the last six months, and danced with you long enough to have my nail varnish removed by the alcoholic fumes of your breath!'  'Oh good', he will respond.'Sshfootworkssh really tricky with thissssh one isshent it'.

Those of you familiar with Ceroc as a dance form may misinterpret his pose as a 'signal'.  It isn't. He's just trying to locate a wall against which he can lean, in order to look cool.  At least cooler than he would flat out on the floor.

1 comment:

janie said...

lol, he certainly looks twisted.
Congratulations on your web site, I especially love the blackbirds and pie illo.