Sunday 2 September 2007

Oooer ... I've been tagged ... twice ...!

Firstly, by Penny from Natural Attrill, and, secondly, by Chris from Raven Madness.  Links for both of these appear to the right.

I have to tag 8 other people. This is not compulsory, and if I have chosen you, and you don't fancy joining in, that is fine. Here are the rules:

1. Let others know who tagged you.

2. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.

3. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.

4. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

Anyway, my random facts are as follows:

1.  I used to do a lot of dancing and am still flexible enough to bite my own toenails.

2.  I am a stationery fetishist - I particularly like stripy paperclips.

3.  I HATE custard.

4.  I feel very uncomfortable when handling aluminium foil.  It makes my teeth jump.

5.  In shops at Christmas time, you get stands with lengths of tinsel in different colours draped over them.  I like to stroke these, surreptitiously.

6.  I am a size 10 gym-bunnie.

7.  My hamster has chewed a hole in his expensive, posh water bottle and I can't replace it.

8.  There is honey fungus in my garden.

Right ... off to pick my victims ...


TaraLarsenChang said...

I'm a stationary fetishist too. Stripey paperclips, curly paperclips, die-cut post-it notes, etc!!!

clare said...

I share your hatred of custard! And am definitely also a stationery fetishist.